
toolsReclaim the table. Restore the world.

Sound lofty?

We’ve got to start somewhere.

Why not with food?

Right in our own backyard, neighbourhood, watershed.

Why not explore the way we sustain ourselves  – in a less pathological, less rule-based, less transactional, less perfectionist fashion than “foodism” sometimes conveys…

This is a collaborative project, inviting voices and perspectives to the table, to share tales of their relationship with food – growing it, making it, eating it – with a view to encouraging others to get messier, get more hands-on, get more intimate, have more fun with nourishing and sustaining and stewarding themselves, their families, their communities, and the world.

Sometimes getting a little bit DIY needs a whole lotta encouragement.

I find that in community. So we’re starting one here.

Community Garden

Let’s bring eating back to earth.

By which I mean, let’s put the dirt back on your produce, the scruffiness into your hospitality, and relationships back into your consumption.

Let’s put ecology back on the table.

Literally, let’s place the dinner table into a web, instead of at the end of supply chain. Let it be part again of a network of living things, that flow through and from the table, in a million different forms – energy, sunlight, worm food, fresh produce, dead animals; as an anchor to conversation, to nourishment, to relationship, to healing.

Reclaim the table, and the garden, the power that food has heal – not just our bodies, but our relationships, our sense of agency, and our role as stewards and restorers of the earth. And the opportunity food offers us, to grow – not just out there in the soil, but as humans.

We’ve been consumers for long enough.

This website is a place to map food stories, from the heart of the Pemberton Valley, in order to turn consumers on to the idea of being growers, creators, culture-shapers and restorers of the planet. Without guilt. Without pressure. With joyful messy experimentation, scrappy gardens, candour and dirt.

garden dinosaur chicken